Not every single “before and after” photo shot has to involve thousands of dollars, hours of work, and a multi-week long timeline. You can increase your home’s curb appeal with just $50 and some creativity. Here are 4 ideas from C&M Residential that will make your home look 1000x more attractive.
1. Welcome Your Visitors
Change the way the entrance to your home feels with just $50. How? Buy a door mat that is stylish and that you love. Get a potted plant to set in the corner, and repaint your front door with something eye catching, like Glidden’s tropical coral.
2. Invite Friends, the Feathered Ones
A humming bird, a blue jay, a red cardinal – when you see these little friends fluttering through your landscape you’ll love that they came to visit, and they’ll appreciate the food. Hang a bird feeder by your door or in a tree for a pop of color or as a unique piece of art.
3. Trim Up Wayward Bushes
This fix doesn’t take any cash if you’ve already got some shears. Just trim up all of your trees and bushes. With all of the rain we’ve been getting lately, they are probably looking a little wild.
4. Walk Them In
Line the path to your front door with brightly colored flower pots and the cheery blooms of flowers. You could buy new pots in the colors you want, or salvage some from your local thrift shop and with a can of paint you’ll have exactly what you want.
How else have you added something unique to your home on a tight budget? We know many home owners that like to set a budget and see how far they can stretch their budget.