10 Poor Drainage Red Flags to Look for on Your Property

Storm Water Runoff Water drainage is a huge issue. If not maintained properly, it can damage your home’s structure, your landscape, the neighbor’s home or landscape – the possibilities never end. C&M Residential has a wide range of solutions to help contain and control the water run off on your property. But first, you’ll need to know if you have a water problem to begin with. To see if your property has drainage problems, look for one or more of these warning signs:

  1. Wet areas or standing water for extended periods of time
  2. Water backing up into the building
  3. Declining and diseased landscape material
  4. Washout areas
  5. Sinkholes
  6. Uneven or cracks in hardscapes or paved areas
  7. Exposed roots of trees and plants
  8. Low areas in landscaped sections
  9. Increased insect activity
  10. Built-up silt on the property

If you’re keeping an eye out for these 10 items and the warning signs start to show up, call C&M Residential as soon as possible. We can help you come up with a water runoff problem with a solution that is visually appealing, effective, and within your budget.

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