- Tress and shrubs that are young or naturally have thin, fragile branches need to be protected with a lean-to or other structure to keep heavy ice or damaging winds from breaking their limbs.
- The best way to get your established trees and shrubs ready for cold weather is the water them properly throughout the fall. The perfect time to give your trees and shrubs a healthy watering is in late fall, after they have dropped their leaves but before the ground freezes.
- Perennial garden beds should be cleaned up and mulched . The mulch will protect the perennial roots from weather damage.
- Store your lawn mower, clippers, and other landscaping tools for the season. Be sure to add fuel stabilizer to your gas powered tools, and sharpen and oil your cutting blades.
While Georgia can’t decide whether it wants to have a fall season or if we are going to jump straight to the dead of wintertime, go ahead and make sure that your landscape is prepared. Or, give us a call at C&M Residential to schedule your landscape maintenance so that you can enjoy the season of thankfulness by spending time with your family – not in the yard.